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A member registered Mar 01, 2019

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Me encantó la demo! estéticamente es precioso, me gusta mucho el menú y que los iconos sean entre creppy pero lindo. También adoro como hay movimiento en algunas escenas de los personajes, siento que hace más viva la experiencia! 

Aún no he podido sacar todos los finales disponible y me tienta seguir intentándolo <3

Me gustó mucho el efecto de romper la cuarta pared, me llamó la atención enseguida y creo que está bien logrado dando algo de realismo y poder seguir con la historia.

Muy bien logrado! espero el juego completo<3

Hello! first of all I want to mention two things; the first one is: Congratulations for completing the game! I had it in reserve a long time ago and it was a pleasure to play it. And now I'm sorry if you don't understand well what I'm saying, since I'm using a translator (I'm from Chile, in Latin America).

I liked the game! I already played the 4 routes with their good endings, and so far I only need to win the last art exhibition, although I don't know if you get another ending for that or if it's just an extra.

Something I want to highlight is the soundtrack, it is simply beautiful, also the development of the characters I like a lot, as Emile, Bernard, Gilles and Fernidand leave their bad habits and have a better quality of life after the protagonist appeared in their lives.

The detail that all the characters as love interests are versatile I loved. I never imagined seeing Emile as bottom.

The fact that he is interactive as to "what" to do was very eye catching and entertaining. And the letters at the end of each day was very helpful when he doesn't quite figure out what happened and so to know how Paul is developing, seeing his friend I really liked, it really is a nice friendship despite their attempt at romance, so I'm not going to lie, I was expecting a jealousy scene, but that's just a somewhat toxic taste on my part.

There are things I didn't like or feel could be improved; mainly the visuals. The images they show you on the game's purchase screen and the others in the game are different. Not to detract from the artist's art, but the sudden change in quality and design was disappointing. 

There are some bugs with gift giving and dating, as it happened to me that it would simply crash the game if I tried to give a gift or the dates would never happen.

The requirements to obtain certain scenes are complicated to fulfill, especially in the case of the art exhibition, since in the case of Giles' route, he simply would not go to paint to interact with him, or in the Fernidand who always tried to go to his house or be in the club, so there was not much chance to raise skills and therefore that the protagonist develops his own career. Except for Emilie's case where I think there is development in Paul's career and there is more chance of fulfilling the art exhibitions. I would like that regardless of the route, Paul has his own ending.

okey, sabía que algo no iba a ir bien con la descripción de "completamente normal" pero no esperaba eso D: me gustó igualmente, me encantaría un juego completo <3

es demasiado LINDO! El juego completo tiene fecha de lanzamiento? lo espero con ansias <3

me encantó el Demo! la idea es bastante original y espero el juego completo <3 (también espero que consideren sacar un versión en Español, definitivamente destacaría :D )

me alegro de que ya haya una fecha oficial :D lo espero con ansias! e iré ahorrando para comprarlo, sé que va a merecer la pena <3

(2 edits)

Gran juego! me pareció sencillo, pero la historia de fondo es interesante. Quedé con dudas, pero se resolverán en los siguientes juegos, ¿no? lo espero con ansias! 

Si puedo decir que el personaje de Noah me pareció algo plano, si bien está hecho como alguien serio y frío, en la escena cuando sale del congelador como que actúa muy poco natural xD sale de lo más normal. Siento que a él carece de emociones, ¿o está hecho así apropósito? 

También como detalle; las pantallas de cargas son muy largas :(

Espero tu juego principal <3 

PD: el detalle del título me encantó, como que todo cobró sentido jdlandlk

Dioooos! Necesito que esto ya este terminado!! Nunca había visto una trama así, se ve muy interesante! Que ganas de jugar la opción del poliamor <3